Sunday, September 9, 2012

RV and Towable list of Autos

Greeting from the road my friends;

Let me begin by saying that I have searched and searched for a tow-able vehicle list.  Ones you can tow 4-wheels down. Because U-haul does not wish to rent just heir trailer for vehicle towing without their truck, and the trailers cost way to much just to buy one for seasonal use.  Motor home Magazine has what is supposed to be a list but when I went there they just had a bunch of blogs and writers giving advice and not really a good list of vehicles... I went to other sites like GMC, Saturn, Kia, and others and got the same run around...  There are no list of vehicles that are 4-wheel down tow-able types.  the one on Motor-home Mag. went into "it depends on what you want to use it for, how your traveling alone, two people or family, BUT, never gave the list for either.

If you got a list please let me know.

I also want to add that I had to take the motor-home we purchased back to Roy Robinson because of a furnace problem. They fixed the problem NO CHARGE, they just keep getting customer service right.

Anyway. Keep safe out there. watch out for 4-wheelers and Big rigs, share the road and watch for bugs..

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