Sunday, April 8, 2018

New Motorhome Search Beware

First of All I am sorry I have not been able to post on this blog for a while.  I have been in and out of the hospital and in a coma, my memory has suffered and I am finally getting better, but, as a result, I have not done much traveling.  We did make it up to a few mountains (see photo) Mt Baker Trip

We also did some short trips but nothing to write about, our motor home has been in storage, and until recently we have just been home bodies. But the good news come September we are back on the road again, God willing.

Just to fill you in we have been looking for a new RV, but have not found anything yet, We thought we had found one at a dealer in Everett, But when we went thru the process, and they were honest, they said no promise, but they would test the water and we were denied, so sad, because we really loved that RV.. (see photos) 

then we continued to look and found one in Tacoma, which we contacted, BUT when we contacted the dealer, we informed them that we had been denied, and gave them all the information about our present Motor home and we told them we had been denied by another dealer, BUT, and this is important,  we were told “ we can do better than the next guy. We have a very talented and persuasive finance department. “ so we went thru the process, and in the end they were not as talented as he thought they were. 

The reason we are looking for a newer one,  Ours is a 2003 Coachman, and we love our motor home, we have added a lot to it and did a lot of upgrades, BUT it is a 2003,  with very few miles and it is a diesel.

Anyway. To make a long story short we have learned when an RV dealer tells you that “We have very talented finance department”  run away…

Have a safe travels and be safe out there..


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