Monday, June 14, 2021

Not So Big O


Well I Know every one thinks I only post things negative about things.

Well I have always been to Big O in either Lynnwood or Lake Stevens for service or tires for my cars. and up until today i believed in their "customer Service" but today I found out that is not there any more... 

So I went to Big O in Lake Stevens in Frontier Village, that that used to be run by a lady named Sarah
 who believed in Customer service, Now I know Covid paranoia has taken this world by a storm and that people are being careful, However, when I take my truck to the place I purchased it they have a clean waiting room, and they keep it clean, i know Big O, is smaller dealership, BUT with no other customer in the building, making a person sit in the rain to wait for new tires to be put on is in human.  

So if you are looking for new tires, I would highly recommend you stay away from Big O.. in Lake Stevens, until their Manager and new owner gets the customer service down..

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

New Year

 Well I know its been a while since I posted here, with all the stuff going on, and my health not getting any better, 4 comas and under VA Dr, watch, not sure when we will be traveling again.  

We are in the process of planning to sell our home and move south closer to our kids, grand kids and Great grand kids.  

Things with covid and riots and violence in our land, we just feel it might be time to head south to calmers waters, Tracy and I would love to be closer to family, and if we can get this place ready by fall we plan to put it on the market...

We no longer have our motorhome, just not able to drive it anymore. so our travels are reduced to traveling by vehicle and staying in hotels until we can get a travel trailer.

Sorry no pictures of any travels yet, we have been able to do some short trips, Leavenworth, Lynden, etc, but nothing to speak about..

This is one mountain range we saw near Lynden, WA

Water rapids on the way to Levenworth


We also journed yo the Tulip festival in Mt Vernon, WA

As we begin summer of 2021 we are hoping to get around to see more of this state.

Thanks for keeping up and waiting for this post we will try and be more dilligent in the future
Here is a video we too of one of our travels