Sunday, January 18, 2015

2007 We bought a boat

Hello My Friends

Well I know I have not been on this site much.  Just wanted to updte you all on what is happening.

In 2007 While i was working we decided to purchase a boat, from Olympic Boat Center.  

We picked up the boat, after 3 weeks and 2 hours of waiting, we purchased new kicker motor, New Electronic Downriggers, New GPS, and new equipment and saftey equipment.  We were told by Olympic that all maintenance would be done and they would insure the boat was sea worthy, because it was a used boat,  We were leery of the condition. BUT, since we were purchasing it from a reputable business, and not a used car lot, we felt that the boat would be safe.

As it turns out 1 hour after we picked up the boat, jsut out side of Everett Boat Launch, this happened.  (see web site)

My wife Tracy almost lost her life on this boat, and I injured my shoulder trying to statr an outboard that would not start. Our friends Dennis and Karen barely got off the boat before it sank...  It was later determined by our insurance company thaat "NO MAINTENANCE WAS DONE ON THE BOAT, THE FAN ON THE MOTOR WAS RUSTED CAUSING THE MOTOR TO HEAT UP AND MELT THE PIPES THAT CARRY COOL WATER AROUND THE MOTOR, AND WHEN THEYMELTED THE WAS PUSHED INTO THE BOAT AND THUS CAUSING THE BOAT TO SINK"

We went back to Olympic two days latter, and the manager told us they would replace the boat, and while it was their policy to send a salesman out with new boat owners they did not with us, and he did not know why.  He was apologetic and want to make all things right. 

We were put in touch with Hartford Insurance Claims department but they stalled and stalled so I wrote to the Insurance commissioner of Washington State.. After a month

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 4:12 PM
Mr. Worley,

We were able to match your current email with our prior case 1011395. At that time analyst April Findley handled your inquiry, and she responded to you with a 12-6-07 letter. At that time she said that the insurer was working directly with your attorney regarding the  4-20-07 boating incident and that upon settlement Hartford would consider the medical expenses. The relative text from analyst Findley’s letter said:” The company has indicated they will consider the medical bills and wage loss when reaching a settlement for your claim. “
However now the insurance company is saying thy won't fulfill their promoise.  So for the past 8 years Hartford has stalled and my lawyers hand is tied because Olympic filed for bankruptcy protection.  So we loose.  I am only sharing this with you all to warn you of anyone affiliated with the previous Olympic Boat Center, or Hartford Insurances company are crooks and do not pay the claims they are supposed to pay.

In closing I will tell you that after the accident I went to a doctor because I was having pain in my right shoulder, and because of my previous Job, which the company would not hire me back, I wanted to make sure the shoulder injury was caused by the boat accident.. I did a lot of research and questioning. (I used to drive a truck where we had some people complaining of shoulder pain from throwing straps) BUT, my doctor and Neurosurgeon said the damage to my arm had to have been done by the boat injury)

Thanks to all for visiting the site and reading my exploits and adventures. I am hoping this year we can add more here